Over the last few days, we've been having issues with some very rude users on the website, and so we agreed with our moderators that we should write an in-depth blog post on that topic. I will be touching 3 main topics today, so please read all of them, and very carefully, as it's really important!
Here at BraceletBook, we do not tolerate the usage of inappropriate or explicit material being posted and shared.
Not only do we remove comments or posts that may be rude, vulgar, or contain swears, we also remove inappropriate pictures and content.
Any messages directly threatening any of our users, or attempts at doxxing, blackmailing, or presuring users to give their personal information, will not be tolerated on BraceletBook. Failure to comply will result in a ban, or possible legal action.
We are within our right to contact authorities and provide them with all the information, logs and IP addresses we have if a user is shown to be breaking the law.
If you are planning on breaking the law to coerce or threaten another user, whether or not you use VPN or another tool, the authorities can still trace you if necessary.
If you happen to see anything that looks suspicious or dangerous, please let us know and consider reporting it to your local authorities, as well as tell your parents or guardians.
The second issue is that some of you are sharing too much of your personal information here on the site.
We highly suggest that you do not share the following information with anyone anywhere online:
1. Your real name (first or last)
2. Your address
3. Your passwords
All of this information might be used to identify you, and so keeping it to yourself and off the internet helps to keep you safe.
While we hope you're taking these measures to keep yourself safe, if you do decide to share this information, despite our encouragement not to do so, BraceletBook is not responsible for the outcome of sharing such information. Please be smart and keep your personal information private.
The last topic we'd like to cover today is regarding malicious links, that some of our users have reported. This also isn't an issue particularly connected with BraceletBook, but any other social site, emails, and online service you can think of.
When you receive a link from an unknown source, maybe some unknown user or suspicious website, please don't go ahead and open it immediately. Look carefully at the link, and if it looks suspicious, or links to some source you don't know, it might be better not opening it.
There are many ways on how these fraudulent links can be used with bad intentions. A common scenario for example is that you receive an email, which looks exactly like emails that your bank sends you, but when you click the link it contains, you're taken to a fraudulent website, which might for example ask you for your login credentials to your bank account. Always check the senders of such emails, and when opening the link, check if it uses a secure HTTPS protocol (usually marked with a closed lock symbol in your web browser next to the link), and also check if the domain name exactly matches the domain name you're expecting.
This starts being a pretty common practice these days, so please be aware of it, and think twice before opening a link from an unknown source.
I would also like to assure you, that BraceletBook is taking your security and privacy very seriously! We're always using the latest and industry-leading standards, and you definitely don't have to be worried about something going wrong on our end. But as in most cases, the weakest point in this whole chain is always the end user. So please use a strong password, and always make sure you're the only person who knows it, and never give it out to anyone else. Keep in mind we will never ask you for your password in any other way than thru the login form on the website and the app.
And that's everything I wanted to cover in this blog post. Please take your security very seriously, and when doing anything on the internet make sure to follow these advices, and if you feel it really crossed the line, also consider reporting it to your local authorities.
Have a great day everyone, and take care! ❤️
Online security - PLEASE READ❗️
by Admin 4 years, 2 months ago